Illuminated Investments LLC

Guiding Principles


Investing in consciousness. The people who embody it, and the projects that bring it to life in the community and society at large.


Investing in creativity -- the kind of creativity that emerges from a connection to all of life, in service to all of life. To support cutting edge technologies that emerge from deep bonds of affection. Valuing projects based on blockchain, transformative tech, and collective presencing.


Investing in connection -- the interdependence of all living creatures, all people, and all aspects of our living earth. Projects rooted in small acts of kindness and creativity are ultimately the most powerful and long-lasting.

Our Investments

Investments may include cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based projects, socially oriented technologies, and real estate projects.

Projects We Love

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Managed by Maja Apolonia Rodé, Illuminated Investments LLC is dedicated to cultivating a more beautiful world for the benefit of all. We do this by generating financial resources through strategic investments, including projects that contribute to personal and planetary well-being.

Contact Us about your project or a project you love.